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Image by Christian Lue

Workmall Placement Agency

Gateway between employers and laborers 

Employers from Eastern Europe, Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries and South Korea constantly need laborers from Uzbekistan. With the continuous demographic turn-down in these regions and a buoyant growth of workforce in Uzbekistan, we believe that Uzbekistan will have a bull market of human capital in coming decades. Our goal is to ride this trend by providing professional support in organizing labor migration to these countries in a safe, organized, and legal way

Where we are looking to

Aerial View of Islands


Global North

Our team is working on identifying the needs in the job market, job openings and potential employer partners in Germany, UK, France, Netherlands, Spain, Denmark, US, and Canada.


Eastern Europe

Some of the countries that have a great deal of job openings for labor migrants are Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria


GCC and Asia

Rising stars in developing economies of Gulf Cooperation Council such as Qatar, UAE, and Saudi Arabia are creating millions of new jobs. As well as the Gulf, South Korea and Japan will be in need of laborers in the coming future. 


Familiar Destinations

Migrants from Uzbekistan have long found Kazakhstan, Russia, and Turkey as the nearest and most familiar destination. However, we see a lot of work in helping employer companies in these countries organize bulk hiring from Uzbekistan, ensuring migrants' safety and legal rights.  

Jobs and Industries We Specialize On




Agriculture and farm works




Factory works



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